Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Misperception #1: Greed is Good

When I first applied for this job, I thought I needed to keep it on the down-low. I figured if everybody knew about the incred wage, then everybody and their dog would apply, which would lower my chances of getting the job. I figured that my little rural county would hire 1, maybe 2, census takers. Really, how many workers could it take to cover a small county?

20. As it turns out, a county with a population of around 3,000 needs about 20 workers to get the job done. And if those workers can't be found in the county, then those paychecks are going home to other counties. So spread the news, tell a friend or two, and keep the cash in your area. Call today to schedule a time and place for....the test.

That's right! I almost forgot about this blog's narrative. And every story needs a villain. And this blog's antagonist is...the test. I need to more effectively build tension. So which evil person below would make a better physical embodiment of....the test!

I tried to find a villain with a mustache AND a monocle, but I am at the mercy of google image search.


  1. The gentleman with the mustache looks more devious, but the little curlies on the end make me think he stuck his finger in his ear to get some 'stache wax to achieve that effect, so he is changed from evil to gross.

    I find monocles a bit more villainous, but the gentleman on the right looks a bit confused. But we'll assume he's confused because his dastardly plan has not worked, so therefore he gets my vote for best physical embodiment of "the test".

    And these are the kinds of comments you can expect from me when I'm inexplicably awake at 2am and can't fall asleep again :/

  2. the guy on the left is the most appropriate, having taken the test myself. the guy on the right looks more skeezy. it's not a skeezy test.

  3. It is unanimous then, monocle will play the villianous test. Thank you. I also move that Elizabeth should always check this blog at 2 in the morning. Would anybody like to second that motion?

