Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How Long Until This Census Worker Orders a KFC Double Down?

There it was tonight while watching Lost. Monterrey Jack. Pepper Jack. And sweet sweet baaaacoonnnnn.... nestled in between two slices of all white chicken. It was so meaty, there was no room for a bun. Genius. Pure crazy genius. So fitting that I would first lay eyes on it during an episode of Lost that had an overweight chicken chain owner falling in love with a woman in an insane asylum. Such a sweet allegory for the Double Down.

Actually, this wasn't the first time I'd seen the Double Down. But before, it was just a pipe dream. I had seen a news article discussing how they were "test marketing" this hideous, beautiful creation in the South. But it seem highly unlikely that it would make it to the Heartland. Has Jaime Oliver taught me nothing about America's eating habits? Of course this concoction would be embraced and salivated over. The theoretical sandwich has become a reality. It has arrived. And now I am just left to wonder how long before I succumb to it? How long can I resist before caving in? I drive by a KFC on my drive to my recruiting county. I mean, I drive right by it. The Double Down is calling to me. Feel free to offer me advice, admonishment or encouragement.

I would also appreciate your opinion on whether I should order the grilled or the original.


  1. Alarming news discovered in my "research":
    This is actually healthier than a Burger King Whopper (670 calories) or (this was the alarming part) a Chipotle burrito that usually tops 1000 calories!!! Dang! I had somehow been disallusioned that I was eating somewhat healthy when I went to Chipotle. But check out this website: http://www.chipotlefan.com/index.php?id=nutrition_calculatorIt's a nutritional info counter. The burrito that I order is 98 percent of my daily saturated fat and 113 percent of my daily sodium. Yowza.

  2. original. all the way. this was actually really rude of you to post this. i want one so badly, i'm tempted to venture out into the night. but i need to know, does it have a secret sauce somewhere in between the beautiful layers.

    i think chipotle is still healthier in the grand scheme. the double down should be called the double over, which is what the consumer will be doing after consuming this-clutching their stomach and chest.

  3. There's always the clogger.


  4. DO IT! it's a train wreck waiting to happen! it reminds me of the deep fried snickers experience: a disgustingly delicious combination of "mmmmm" and "uuuuuugggghh" - everyone should try it at least once just to say that they have.
    on another note: i maintain that even though chipolte burritos have over half of one's daily calorie budget, they are totally worth it. and they use organic veggies and free range meats - so my burrito consumption merely stands to register my endorsement for the positive business practices of such an establishment. as a responsible consumer, it is my duty.

  5. You will surely be disappointed. That is the goal of modern marketing. i bet your lovely bride can easily beat this with any menu she has planned this week!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. thank you jamie. in honor of this post i made fried chicken tonight. hopefully that will get it out of his system.

  8. You are welcome, Jackie. I hope it does curb the craving for something that obviously won't live up to the hype. For the record, i don't believe number of calories or % RDA for sodium are accurate ways to assess the healthiness of a meal :)

