Thursday, April 1, 2010

3 YouTube Videos and How They Relate to the Census

I just saw this one today. While very amusing, I worry it could lead to future census confusion for this young lad. It is never too early to instill in your child their correct gender and marital status, so they can check the appropriate boxes on the census.

"Here it goes again!" It's a calendar year that is divisible by 10, so it's time to get out and count people! The U.S Census is a huge undertaking that requires precision, coordination and communication between all the census workers. Honestly, I cannot think of a better visual analogy for the U.S. Census than 4 men performing choreographed acrobatics on treadmills.

The connection to the census on this one is so obvious, I don't think I even need to explain it, do I? Yeah, I didn't think so. It is so obvious how a census worker is like a "perfect stranger" to all the people they meet in their line of duty, but together, we end up, no longer strangers, but "together we will stand tall on the wings of a shared dream." So beautiful. I can also totally relate with this feral cat's disappointment when no one commented on his online video. I too feel so compressed when no one comments. Luckily, I have been gifted with a plethora of comments this week, so thank you to all you friends who took pity on me!

This has been enjoyable. I think I will turn this into a weekly ritual. We'll call it THURSDAY THREE! Or if I procrastinate: FRIDAY FIVE! Sounds catchy and exciting, aye? Any YouTube suggestions for next week?

1 comment:

  1. We discovered OK GO several years ago, while flipping thru channels over Aaron's lunch hour. I mean, who's not going to stop on a channel with four guys jumping around on treadmills, even if it was VH1 or (shudder) MTV. It is quite seriously one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

