Sunday, April 18, 2010

Which of the X-Men Would Make the Best Census Worker?

A few weeks ago, I heard the news that Action Comics #1 (Superman's first appearance) had broken the record for comic book sales, selling for 1.5 million buckaroos. Detective Comics #27 (Batman's first appearance) had briefly stolen the throne from Superman a month earlier when it sold for just a little more than a million. But Superman is back on top for now. All this comic book talk got me thinking about the census, (of course) and my old collection in a box in the basement.

GEEK PARAGRAPH WARNING: Then I discoverd and found out that I have a few treasures on my hands. I have 2 Superman comics worth $40 and $20, an Avengers comic worth $12, a Fantastic Four comic valued at $60 and a Spiderman comic that could fetch $140. The wonderful irony is that all dozens of comics I paid $2 at the store are today worth about $2 (though finding someone to buy them for that would be a small miracle.) The five listed above worth $272 collectively were all garage sale buys for 25 cents each. All together, my 142 book collection is supposed to be worth $743.55, but my guess at it's actual value would be $272. Such good investment strategies I practiced in my youth...

But let's get back to the real focus of this artcicle. With their superpowers, all of the X-Men would bring obvious assets (no Spandex jokes, please.) But let's imagine some possible liabilities to help us narrow it down.
Wolverine: known temper, could unknowing shred paperwork in a berzerker rager.
Cyclops: Nerd. Wears red glasses. I don't trust people who I can't look in the eye.
Phoenix: Unethical to read people's minds to gather information.
Rogue-Unethical to steal people's memories to fill out census yourself
Beast-Would you open your door for this guy, even if he wear quoting Plato?
Gambit-Speak English please
Jubilee: Just annoying.

I'm ready to declare the verdict. Of all the X-Men, storm would make the best census taker. Her power would actually come in handy as she manipulated sunny skies to gather information from the citizens she risks her life for every day. Disagree? I don't see how you can when I've already logically looked at all sides of this important issue. But if you do, comment away.


  1. though professor Xavior is not technically an x-man, i think he'd do well. he'd have the sympothy factor for sure, plus he could stop time with his mind to give you more time to ponder your nationality while simultaniously giving himself more time to collect completed census forms from more people. just a thought...

  2. Jean Grey is so kind and sensitive she would never use her powers to read minds to gather the data. She may use it to see if anyone was home before going to the door, thus making her a very efficient census worker.

  3. Sorry I feel every X-Man or woman would be too busy fighting mutants to get wrapped up in how many normeys there are. Besides normal people are supposed to not like the odd balls according to what I remember from the movies.

    So with cartoon characters I'd go with Pinky and the Brian. They try to take over the world so they got to know how many people they are up against.

  4. Sorry the Brain...the Brian would be busy working on the movie about his life.

  5. i think both jamie and michelle make good points. but really i want to point out that, whaaaa, whaaaat?! your green lantern books aren't the ones worth the big bucks. (you were always so ungrateful for my heartfelt gifts. should i mention.....the stickers.)

